
Showing posts from September, 2015

Full comeback!

Full skirt/Midi skirt/Vintage style, whatever you want to call it, as long as it's mine! I'd always been more of a pencil skirt kind of girl and I never went wrong until one day while I was scheming through my Instagram feed I saw another fashion blogger wearing a full skirt and it just looked amazing, now this was well about a year ago and I told myself that I would find a skirt similar to it, I started searching online in boutique stores and each time I found something it was just either too pricy or just didn't scream at me.  I eventually stopped searching and just accepted that I'd probably never wear a full skirt.  Being independent doesn't mean that I spend all my money on myself, I've got priorities, which mainly involves feeding, clothing and entertaining my niece and little brother and on occasions spoiling my mum, but I do have this philosophy that once a month I do something extra special for myself, whether it's to buy a new perfume, bag or treat